Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome to Bergplaas Nature Reserve

High above the ancient dust of the Plains of Camdeboo lies Bergplaas Nature Reserve, home of a unique healing initiative.

Once an arid, over-grazed place of desolation, Bergplaas is now an awesome space that sings of the magic of the power of Nature.

Seven years of rest and restoration have created a place of quiet where climax grasses cast their seed, hundred-year-old trees spread their shade, and the mystical Eland of the San roam with springbok, wildebeest, zebra, hartebeest and the small, shy steenbok.

As the land has healed, so too is healing offered to human beings ready to hear the call of the Spirit of Nature.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A nice place fot the rich white hunters!!